About Me

About Me

Hi Im Dylan!

Im 22 right now and a marketing coordinator and photographer at Tribeca Northwest Real Estate. As a kid, I was a lover of games and strategy, and over time as I went from playing Settlers of Catan, to Chess, to Poker, and I realized that what I love to do is understand what drives people to decisions, and how they react in difficult ones. This has stayed with me through my life, and ended with me getting a degree in Marketing.

I had always wanted to be part of a company that makes a difference in peoples lives, so when the opportunity arose at Tribeca Northwest Real Estate, I jumped on it. When I was hired the first project I took on was increasing the online presence of the company. I used my skills as in photography and video to create social media campaigns and drive traffic to our website and it quickly caught on.

I now specialize in digital content and visual storytelling, creating eye-catching visuals that capture a sense of place or emotion. And while I may not be playing games anymore, I still love the strategy behind it - understanding how to make something click with people and get them to take action. I use that same strategy in my marketing and photography - creating engaging images that draw people in and tell a story that they want to be a part of.

After graduating I began working at Tribeca Northwest, and since joining them I have been able to work with some of the top real estate agents and companies in the area. I have helped them design unique marketing strategies that reach their target audience and help them get more leads. Additionally, I have used my photography skills to capture stunning real estate images that make a lasting impression on potential customers.

My experience in marketing and photography has enabled me to be a valuable asset to Tribeca Northwest, as well as help others achieve their goals. I am always looking for new opportunities and experiences that can further my knowledge in these areas and make an impact on the world.